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Old Man River

Paul Robeson

Any key of diatonic harmonica

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    6        -5      5     5       6     -5     5    6   -6    7

There’s an old man called the Mississippi

    6        -5      5    5     6   -5     5    4    -4

That’s the old man that I’d like to be

     5        -4      4   4    5  -4       4          4    -4   -5

What does he care if the world’s got troubles

     5        -4     4    4    5 -4       4        -4       4

What does he care if the world ain’t free

 3   3   -3//  4   -3//  3   3   -3//  4 

Ol' Man River, dat Ol' Man Riv-er 

-4      5       5        -4        4      -4     5       6    -6    6 

He must know somethin’ but don't say nothin' 

 -6   6         6      5   -4   5       6       6   5  -4    5    4

He just keeps rollin', he keeps on rollin’ along

  3        3    3     -3//  4   -3//  3      3      -3//  4

He don't plant 'taters, he don't plant cotton 

-4        5        6      -6          6    -6    7      7   -7   -6

And them that plants them is soon forgotten 

  -7    6    6     5   -4      5    6        6     5  -4    5    4

But Ol' Man Riv-er, he just keeps rollin' along

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